Instruction for posterInstructions for poster presentation: Posters will be exposed for the poster party on afternoon of Tuesday April 29th from 3:40 to 4:40 PM and will remain visible during the conference to promote further discussions during the breaks. Poster presenters are thus asked to display their posters after lunch before 2:00 PM on Tuesday, April 29th, and to remove them on Wednesday, April 30th , before 12:00. They are also asked to attend the poster party, starting at 3:40 PM, and present their work. We inform you that a prize of 250 Euros will be attributed to the best presented poster as judged by an independent committee. We invite you to use the poster template (A0 format in portrait (84,1 cm wide and 118,9 high). Adhesive tape will be provided to hang the posters on the panels. Pins won't be allowed for fixing the posters. Each poster will be allocated a specific panel. Additional information on posters' allocation will be provided at the conference. Poster template : here |